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At SHA2017 a nice flyer (see below) was supplied in the bag that contained the badge and components.

If you managed to get hold of a never used (prestine) badge after SHA2017 you need to do some magic to get things going:

WiFi setup[edit]

If you want to be able to follow the instructions on the flyer and re-create the full SHA2017 experience, setup a WiFi network with these characteristics:

  • SSID: SHA2017-insecure
  • no security options - just an open network

OTA upgrade[edit]

The first thing to do after starting up the badge for the first time is do an OTA (Over The Air) update. This will make a connection with the hatchery and download the latest available version of the badge software.

After doing the OTA upgrade you can proceed with SHA2017Badge/Documentation/First_boot.

Original Flyer[edit]

Badge flyer front
Badge flyer back