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The display API allows you to control the display of your badge.

Command Parameters Description Example
flush [flags] Flush the contents of the framebuffer to the display.

Optionally you may provide flags (see the table down below)

size [window] Get the size (width, height) of the framebuffer or a window as a tuple size()
width [window] Get the width of the framebuffer or a window as an integer width()
height [window] Get the height of the framebuffer or a window as an integer height()
orientation [window], [angle] Get or set the orientation of the framebuffer or a window GET: orientation()

SET: orientation(90)

getPixel [window], x, y Get the color of a pixel in the framebuffer or a window
drawRaw [window], x, y, width, height, data Copy a raw bytes buffer directly to the framebuffer or the current frame of a window.

The length of the bytes buffer must match the formula width*height*(bitsPerPixel//8). This is a direct copy: color format (bitsPerPixel) must match the specific display of the badge this command is used on.

drawPixel [window], x, y, color Draw a pixel in the framebuffer or a window
drawFill [window], color Fill the framebuffer or a window
drawLine [window], x0, y0, x1, y1, color Draw a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1)
drawRect [window], x, y, width, height, color Draw a rectangle at (x, y) with size (width, height)
drawCircle [window], x0, y0, radius, a0, a1, fill, color Draw a circle with center point (x0, y0) with the provided radius from angle a0 to angle a1, optionally filled (boolean)
drawText [window], x, y, text, [color], [font], [x-scale], [y-scale] Draw text at (x, y) with a certain color and font. Can be scaled (drawn with rects instead of pixels) in both the x and y direction
drawPng [window], x, y, [data or filename] Draw a PNG image at (x, y) from either a bytes buffer or a file
getTextWidth text, [font] Get the width a string would take if drawn with a certain font
getTextHeight text, [font] Get the height a string would take if drawn with a certain font
pngInfo [data or filename] Get information about a PNG image
windowCreate name, width, height
windowRemove name
windowMove name, x, y
windowResize name, width, height
windowVisibility name, [visible]
windowShow name
windowHide name
windowFocus name
windowList -
windowLoop *DO NOT USE*
frameAdd *DO NOT USE*
frameRemove *DO NOT USE*
frameStep *DO NOT USE*
frameSeek *DO NOT USE*
frameCurrent *DO NOT USE*
frameCount *DO NOT USE*


The wifi API allows you to connect to WiFi networks.